S&T FRG NGFR Integration Handbook Version 2.0 | Homeland Security
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NGFR Integration Handbook Version 3.0


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Next Generation First Responder (NGFR) Apex program developed this NGFR Integration Handbook, which identifies standards, interfaces and data flows that would allow public safety agencies to integrate hardware, software and data of different technology solutions, building their own public safety system. The NGFR Integration Handbook is presented in three parts, and targets device and system developers as follows:

Next Generation First Responder Integration Handbook Part 1: Introduction NGFR Integration Handbook Version 3.0 – Part 1: Introduction

Part one is intended for executive audiences who do not necessarily have technical knowledge. It provides an introduction and overview of the NGFR on-body framework and the concepts behind its modular design. It identifies the function of each of the basic modules and how they interact with agency systems.

Next Generation First Responder Integration Handbook Part 2: Engineering Design NGFR Integration Handbook Version 3.0 – Part 2: Engineering Design

Part two provides specific engineering design guidance to assist industry in developing and prototyping hardware and software solutions that fulfill NGFR Apex program capability gaps. Solutions will be validated and tested by industry vendors, first responders and other stakeholders.

Next Generation First Responder Integration Handbook Part 3: Technical Supplement NGFR Integration Handbook Version 3.0 – Part 3: Technical Supplement

Part Three primarily targets software developers and engineers to guide their modular development. It provides additional details of the data architecture for modules and their interfaces. It also presents the first responder on-body system requirements extracted from the Project Responder 4 analysis.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
NGFR Integration Handbook Version 3.0 – Part 1: Introduction (2018) PDF 972.21 KB 08/27/2018
NGFR Integration Handbook Version 3.0 – Part 2: Engineering Design (2018) PDF 1.61 MB 08/27/2018
NGFR Integration Handbook Version 3.0 – Part 3: Technical Supplement (2018) PDF 9.05 MB 08/27/2018
NGFR Integrated Handbook Consolidated Comments (2018) PDF 498.12 KB 08/27/2018
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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