S&T Wearable Smart Chemical Sensor Morphix Fact Sheet | Homeland Security
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Morphix Wearable Smart Chemical Sensor: Small, Rugged Monitor Warns First Responders of Toxic Exposure


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is working with Morphix Technologies to develop a simple, inexpensive, wearable smart chemical sensor badge that has high sensitivity and selectivity to multiple toxic industrial chemicals at trace (low parts per million or ppm) concentrations, and that triggers alarms at permissible exposure limits, short-term exposure limits and time weighted average concentrations.

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Morphix Wearable Smart Chemical Sensor: Small, Rugged Monitor Warns First Responders of Toxic Exposure PDF 278.2 KB 10/13/2020
Last Updated: 06/18/2024
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