S&T FRG Board Armor® Backboard Cover | Homeland Security
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Board Armor® Backboard Cover Fact Sheet


Backboards are a familiar sight in emergency response and are essential in stabilizing patients and protecting them from further injury during transport to emergency rooms. Unfortunately, standard cleaning techniques and storage methods do not provide adequate sanitization and these backboards often serve as hotbeds of disease and hazardous materials. As a result, this life-saving tool can present a serious threat to both patients and responders. To eliminate this problem, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) partnered with Advanced EMS Designs to develop an ingeniously simple backboard cover to prevent the spread of disease and further contamination of the board.

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Board Armor® Backboard Cover Fact Sheet (2014) PDF 198.05 KB 10/31/2014
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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