S&T FRG Network Extension: WideBridge™ | Homeland Security
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Network Extension: WideBridge™ Fact Sheet


The WideBridge™ architecture provides a network and user device solution for secure Internet Protocol services regardless of manufacturer. Based on a scalable open-architecture, it enables cost-effective launch of new services. A set of software systems and servers installed at the agency network or on the cloud enables interoperability with disparate networks (e.g., LMR and broadband networks) using Project 25 (P25) gateways, multimedia servers, digital mapping and command & control servers, creating a common operational picture between all broad-band users.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Network Extension: WideBridge™ Fact Sheet (2017) PDF 373.98 KB 10/24/2017
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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