Portable Handset Integrated Next-Generation Incident Command System (PHINICS) | Homeland Security
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Portable Handset Integrated Next-Generation Incident Command System (PHINICS) Fact Sheet


First responders routinely use mobile devices to stay informed, aware, on time, and connected. Mobile devices allow for access to digital information repositories and broader data acquisition. Imaging, notes, Internet, calendar, maps, apps—all of these capabilities may be in the pockets of first responders today, but can they interface within an incident command system? The Portable Handset Integrated Next-Generation Incident Command System (PHINICS) explores the possibilities for applying mobile technology to incident command.

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Portable Handset Integrated Next-Generation Incident Command System (PHINICS) PDF 251.37 KB 06/04/2014
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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