ST-Emergency Vehicle Warning System | Homeland Security
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Emergency Vehicle Warning System (HAAS Alert) Virtual Technology Demonstration Report


First responder vehicles are frequently involved in motor vehicle collisions, and these collisions are increasing at an alarming rate. To address this issue, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) created a program to develop an Emergency Vehicle Warning System that could be used in car systems or phone applications to notify civilian drivers as they approach both en-route and on-scene emergency vehicles. The National Urban Security Technology Laboratory (NUSTL) conducted a virtual technology demonstration (VTD) of HAAS Alert to independently evaluate the technology’s suitability for use by first responders and gather end user feedback on functionality, reliability, usability and suitability for use by both first responders and civilian motorists.

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Emergency Vehicle Warning System (HAAS Alert) Virtual Technology Demonstration Report PDF 2.32 MB 07/20/2021
Last Updated: 06/27/2022
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