S&T FRG SMWGESDM | Homeland Security
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Social Media Working Group for Emergency Services and Disaster Management Fact Sheet


Social media and collaborative technologies have become critical components of emergency preparedness, response and recovery. Recognizing the need to address the challenges associated with the adoption of social media, the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate established a virtual social media working group (VSMWG) in 2010. After Public Law 114-80 passed, the VSMWG was re-named the Social Media Working Group for Emergency Services and Disaster Management (SMWGESDM). The mission of the SMWGESDM is to provide recommendations to the emergency preparedness and response community on the safe and sustainable use of social media technologies before, during and after emergencies.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Social Media Working Group for Emergency Services and Disaster Management Fact Sheet (2017) PDF 92.14 KB 11/22/2017
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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