Centers of Excellence | Homeland Security
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  4. Centers of Excellence

Centers of Excellence

Engineers in a lab

Each DHS Center of Excellence (COE) is led by a U.S. college or university in partnership with other academic institutions; industry; national laboratories; federally funded research and development centers; state, local, tribal and territorial homeland security agencies; and first responder groups.

By leveraging extensive public and private networks, COEs can conduct groundbreaking research resulting in rigorous, objective knowledge products and timely solutions for DHS Components. 

Each COE works under a cooperative agreement that provides annual management and research funding over the duration of the award.

The Emeritus Centers of Excellence (COEs) have completed their OUP funded period of performance to develop networks of university-led research. The network and knowledge on topics important to the Department can be accessed for specific projects by those across DHS and the U.S. government.

Throughout the year, many DHS Centers of Excellence issue requests for information and calls for proposals on topics of importance to the homeland security mission. Visit S&T’s Funding and Partnership Opportunities web page to view current announcements. 

Last Updated: 03/07/2025
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