EDGE School Environment Photos | Homeland Security
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EDGE School Environment Photos

Photos of the Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) platform and stakeholders interacting with the technology. This is the second EDGE virtual training environment; the platform allows teachers, school staff, law enforcement officers and others tasked with school security to create and practice response plans for a wide range of critical incidents.

Photos are available for download on the S&T Flickr page.

View EDGE Hotel Environment Photos

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    The virtual school in the EDGE virtual training platform was modeled after a real school in West Orange, New Jersey.

    The virtual school in the EDGE virtual training platform was modeled after a real school in West Orange, New Jersey.

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    Each element of the virtual school in the EDGE program, such as this gymnasium, were modeled in vivid detail based an actual school in West Orange, New Jersey.

    Each element of the virtual school in the EDGE program, such as this gymnasium, were modeled in vivid detail based an actual school in West Orange, New Jersey.

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    Even the hallways and exit doors in the EDGE virtual training environment were modeled after an actual school in West Orange, New Jersey.

    Even the hallways and exit doors in the EDGE virtual training environment were modeled after an actual school in West Orange, New Jersey.

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    Individual classrooms in the EDGE virtual training environment were modeled after an actual school in West Orange, New Jersey.

    Individual classrooms in the EDGE virtual training environment were modeled after an actual school in West Orange, New Jersey.

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    The EDGE avatar selection screen allows for a multitude of options in character selection, attire, equipment, and other details appropriate to the roles of the participants in the training scenario.

    The EDGE avatar selection screen allows for a multitude of options in character selection, attire, equipment, and other details appropriate to the roles of the participants in the training scenario.

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    In the EDGE virtual training environment, teachers can prompt students to take actions such as running, lining up against a wall, or exiting via a window.

    In the EDGE virtual training environment, teachers can prompt students to take actions such as running, lining up against a wall, or exiting via a window.

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    A police officer navigates through the EDGE school environment at a September 2018 training in West Orange, New Jersey.

    A police officer navigates through the EDGE school environment at a September 2018 training in West Orange, New Jersey.

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    Educators and first responders collaborate on a simulated response scenario during a September 2018 training in West Orange, New Jersey.

    Educators and first responders collaborate on a simulated response scenario during a September 2018 training in West Orange, New Jersey.

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    The EDGE virtual training environment can be accessed via laptop or desktop computer. No extensive hardware is required, making it easy for school systems and law enforcement agencies to use.

    The EDGE virtual training environment can be accessed via laptop or desktop computer. No extensive hardware is required, making it easy for school systems and law enforcement agencies to use.

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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