EDGE | Homeland Security
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Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment

(Left) EDGE firefighter, EMS, and law enforcement avatars pose in front of virtual hotel (Right) School children avatars huddle in the corner of an EDGE virtual school. The Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) is a free virtual training platform that first responders, and now education institutions, can use to plan for a coordinated response to critical incidents. Built on the Unreal gaming engine, EDGE is not a traditional video game with pre-programmed respond-and-react scenarios. Rather, EDGE is one tool in a comprehensive preparedness toolbox, complementing and honing training protocols already in place in communities nationwide.

Two EDGE training environments, one with a hotel as the backdrop and the other featuring a school, are currently available at no cost to vetted organizations.

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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