S&T LRBAA | Homeland Security
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  4. Long Range Broad Agency Announcement

Long Range Broad Agency Announcement

LRBAA 24-01 Announcement Is Now Open!

View the 23 open topics under the new LRBAA 24-01 Announcement.


A map of the world spread flat across a wall with icons representing the various LRBAA topics spread throughout it. 9 people look up at the map.

The Science and Technology Directorate's (S&T) Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) is a standing, open invitation to the scientific and technical communities to fund pioneering research and development (R&D) projects in support of our nation’s security. Its purpose is to advance our scientific and technical knowledge and to apply such advances to the department’s operational environments. To view the topic list in its entirety, visit the Current LRBAA Topics page. 

A traditional Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is fairly specific in its subject matter requirements. The LRBAA is not. By design, it covers a wide range of subjects and provides flexibility in submission schedules. This enables S&T to contemplate proposals for original research that fall outside the scope of its more narrowly defined BAAs. To learn more about the LRBAA submission process and view the current topics please visit the LRBAA Portal.

Last Updated: 06/25/2024
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