LRBAA 24-01 Announcement Is Now Open!
View the 23 open topics under the new LRBAA 24-01 Announcement.

The Science and Technology Directorate's (S&T) Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) is a standing, open invitation to the scientific and technical communities to fund pioneering research and development (R&D) projects in support of our nation’s security. Its purpose is to advance our scientific and technical knowledge and to apply such advances to the department’s operational environments. To view the topic list in its entirety, visit the Current LRBAA Topics page.
A traditional Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is fairly specific in its subject matter requirements. The LRBAA is not. By design, it covers a wide range of subjects and provides flexibility in submission schedules. This enables S&T to contemplate proposals for original research that fall outside the scope of its more narrowly defined BAAs. To learn more about the LRBAA submission process and view the current topics please visit the LRBAA Portal.
S&T and Component programs may receive research concept material submissions through the LRBAA Portal. The portal contains current research topics, links to the LRBAA 24-01 announcement, and information on how to submit to a topic. Prospective sources are strongly encouraged to read the entire announcement.
DHS S&T’s modernized LRBAA is earmarked by:
- Transparent, simplified announcement with more details
- Streamlined efficient submission procedures
- Notification of DHS interest in your research within 10 days
- Flexible communications including dialogue with topic program managers, a virtual pitch and submission of an optional video
Businesses of all sizes, universities, national laboratories, and other R&D organizations (both domestic and international) can submit ideas through the LRBAA. By aligning topics to the highest priority needs, the LRBAA provides a mechanism to focus the unique capabilities and expertise of our partner base on solving Component critical homeland security problems.
Successful submissions to the LRBAA answer questions such as “What research problem do you propose to solve? How is your concept different from and superior to solutions currently available elsewhere? What data and analysis do you have to support the contention that funding your R&D project will result in a significant increase in capability for DHS?”
- The LRBAA does not allocate a pre-defined level of funding. As such, the provision of funds is an important consideration when an otherwise promising proposal is evaluated.
- Products that are available to the commercial marketplace or support services of any kind cannot be contemplated or purchased through the LRBAA in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
- The LRBAA is expressly for original, state-of-the-art research or unique prototypes that require proof of concept.
- All submissions are peer reviewed.
LRBAA Videos
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has modernized its LRBAA processes and procedures with the goal of increasing its value and use for both the Department and our industry and academic partners. Learn more about the modernized LRBAA in the videos below.
Long Range Broad Agency Announcement Modernization Effort
S&T, in partnership with the DHS Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, improved the LRBAA’s business practices to make it easier for industry to work with S&T and provide innovative solutions for the Homeland Security Enterprise. The new LRBAA features transparent communications, a streamlined submission and review process, and reduces the submission to award timeframe by five months. In this video, DHS S&T Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary Bill Bryan and DHS Chief Procurement Officer Soraya Correa discuss the collaborative LRBAA modernization efforts and improvements to the LRBAA website.
Long Range Broad Agency Industry Update Webinar
With improvements driven by industry engagement and outreach, S&T modernized the LRBAA processes and procedures to expand industry participation and align topics more closely to DHS priorities. In this video, S&T’s LRBAA Program Manager James Grove and Office of the Chief Procurement Officer Deputy Executive Director Gary Hickey highlight the new features of the LRBAA and answer industry’s questions about the improved process.
The LRBAA Today webinar series is an opportunity for the innovation community to learn more about the Department’s research challenge areas, specific to LRBAA topics, and understand how to use the LRBAA program to work with S&T. Navigate to the webinar page and check out our videos to learn more about the work currently being pursued under the topic areas and gain context for the solutions being sought.
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