JamX 2017 Photos | Homeland Security
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JamX 2017 Photos

The 2017 First Responder Electronic Jamming Exercise (JamX 17) was hosted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) July 16-22, at the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Representatives from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Coast Guard, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory, joined nearly 300 participants from across the country.

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    Jammer device.

    Small jammer sitting on the ground at night.

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    Los Angeles County Sheriff mobile communications unit.

    Los Angeles County Sheriff mobile communications unit.

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    Person standing with their back to the camera, facing a group of evaluators, with U.S. Department of Homeland Security seal, Homeland Security, displayed on a safety vest.

    U.S. Department of Homeland Security seal.

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    Six pairs of feet in combat boots and hiking shoes surround a small unmanned aircraft system resting on the ground that is emitting green, purple, blue and red light.

    A small unmanned aircraft system resting on the ground.

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    Man reading screen of cell phone on table while holding a handheld radio in right hand.

    Warren County NY Fire Coordinator holding a handheld radio.

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    Man reads a script into a radio microphone.

    Harris County FMO Associate Chief of Operations reads a script.

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    A spectrum analyzer showing narrowband radio signals.

    A spectrum analyzer showing narrowband radio signals.

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    Man speaks into radio, holding up a directional beam antenna.

    Harris County OHSEM Logistics Section Chief speaks into radio, holding up a directional beam antenna.

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    Patch: JamX 17 First Responder Electronic Jamming Exercise

    JamX 17 First Responder Electronic Jamming Exercise Patch.

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    Policeman speaks into handheld radio.

    Mesa AZ Police Officer speaks into handheld radio.

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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