National & Federal Laboratories & Research Centers | Homeland Security
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National and Federal Laboratories and Research Centers

Researcher studying anthraxThe Office of National Laboratories (ONL) sustains and expands a coordinated network of DHS national laboratories and Department of Energy national laboratories and other federal centers to help deliver critical homeland capabilities. ONL coordinates and aligns with all Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) technical divisions to coordinate activities throughout the United States research and development community. ONL provides a coordinated, enduring core of productive science, technology and engineering laboratories, organizations and institutions, which can provide knowledge and technology to secure the nation.

The department has also established research and development centers that provide scientific research via university and private partnerships.

Department of Homeland Security Laboratories

Future Department of Homeland Security Laboratory

Department of Energy National Laboratories

Department of Homeland Security Centers

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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