News Release: DHS S&T Releases Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Strategic Plan | Homeland Security
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  3. News Release: DHS S&T Releases Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Strategic Plan

News Release: DHS S&T Releases Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Strategic Plan

Release Date: July 30, 2021

S&T Public Affairs, 202-254-2385

Washington, D.C. –  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) released today its Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI/ML) Strategic Plan. As the science and technology advisor to the Department, and the principal research and development entity supporting the vast Homeland Security mission, S&T will incorporate the technological advancements in AI/ML to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the DHS operational components and the broader Homeland Security enterprise.

The Strategic Plan identifies research S&T will conduct to understand the opportunities, as well as the risks, that accompany the rapidly changing AI/ML technology landscape and its impacts to DHS missions.

“It is an exciting milestone for S&T to release our AI/ML Strategic Plan,” said Kathryn Coulter Mitchell, Senior Official Performing the Duties of Under Secretary for Science and Technology. “This actionable plan lays out how S&T will build and apply cutting-edge expertise to help the Department harness the opportunities of AI/ML technologies while mitigating the associated risks.”

S&T’s three strategic goals are to: 1) drive next-generation AI/ML technologies for cross-cutting homeland security capabilities; 2) facilitate the use of proven AI/ML capabilities in homeland security missions; and 3) build an interdisciplinary AI/ML-trained workforce. The Strategic Plan aligns with the DHS Artificial Intelligence Strategy (December 3, 2020), which lays out goals to govern the Department’s approach to integrating AI into the DHS mission.


Last Updated: 07/30/2021
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