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Snapshot: Blockchain Technology Explored for Homeland Security
Blockchain technology represents an innovative leap forward that has many uses and applications across multiple sectors of the economy. Many people, organizations, companies and departments are increasingly excited about blockchain.
You've got ideas-we have funding-Lets talk
S&T strengthens the nation’s homeland security by advancing scientific capabilities. Our engineers, scientists, and subject matter experts work closely with practitioners to identify emerging challenges and develop solutions.
News Release: DHS S&T Awards $527K to BYU to Develop Cyber sec tech
DHS S&T has awarded $527,112 to Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, to develop a web authentication middleware tool that would significantly upgrade the current Internet website authentication process and improve online security.
DHS S&T today released a RFI for participation in the 2017 First Responder Electronic Jamming Exercise at Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls, Idaho, July 17-22, 2017.The deadline for submitting applications is January 20, 2017.
Responder News: Rural Volunteer Fire Departments Face Specific Challenges
When S&T asked rural volunteer firefighters back in September to tell us what challenges they face, dozens of them responded passionately. Here is a summary of what they told us and our beginning efforts to answer the issues they raised.
Snapshot: S&T Releases New Incident Management Planning Tool for First Responders
EXD has funded research at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory to continue development of the Incident Management Preparedness and Coordination Toolkit (IMPACT), a geospatial tool designed to enhance situational awareness, communication, and collaboration during and for security events.
News Release: DHS S&T Transitions 8th Cybersecurity Tech for Commercialization
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate’s (S&T) Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency has announced the eighth cybersecurity technology transitioning to commercialization as a part of its Cyber Security Division’s (CSD) Transition to Practice (TTP) program.
Responder News: Burn Saver Thermal Sensor Provides Warning for Firefighter Safety
New S&T technology will alert firefighters when thermal conditions inside a burning building put them at risk for personal protective equipment failure.