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Celebrating the Pursuit of Knowledge in the New Year
In honor of Trivia Day, take a moment and learn some fun facts about S&T.
Good Riddance 2020
A special thank you to the staff of DHS S&T, our government, private sector, and academic partners, and those who have served on the front lines to keep our nation safe and healthy, and a toast to all the amazing things that 2021 will hopefully bring!
News Release: S&T Publishes the Resilient PNT Conformance Framework
DHS S&T published the Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Conformance Framework today. PNT services, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), is a national critical function that enables many applications within the critical infrastructure sectors.
News Release: DHS Partners with NYSTEC to Advance Homeland Security Solutions
DHS S&T is partnering with the non-profit NYSTEC to leverage its extensive public safety network of state and local law enforcement and transit authorities within the Northeast Region of the United States.
News Release: DHS Partners with RTI to Advance Homeland Security Solutions
DHS S&T is partnering with non-profit RTI International (RTI) to tap into its existing relationships with Southeast Region of the United States technology-based economic organizations, start-up accelerators, and industry.
News Release: DHS SBIR 21.1 Solicitation Opens for Proposal Submission
DHS SBIR Solicitation is now open for small businesses to submit research proposals for 11 homeland security topics.
Calling Small Businesses!
DHS S&T 21.1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program solicitation is open!
News Release: S&T, MTA and MIT Test Virus Mitigation Measures to Protect Riders on Public Transit
DHS S&T, in partnership with the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory, will conduct tests in a real-world environment to determine the most effective measures to reduce the spread of viruses on public transit.
News Release: S&T SVIP Continues Partnership with Atlanta-Based Start-Up
DHS S&T's Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP), has awarded a Phase 5 Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) to Bastille Networks, an Internet of Things (IoT) technology company located in Atlanta, Georgia, to continue their work with DHS.
News Release: DHS S&T to Launch Homeland Security Startup Studio 2021
DHS S&T will launch its first Homeland Security Startup Studio in January. The innovative program is a partnership with FedTech, aimed at commercializing federally funded breakthrough technologies to support homeland security missions.
Feature Article: S&T Tests Remote Communications Device for Agents on Northern Border
DHS S&T and U.S. Border Patrol conducted a focused assessment Somewear’s Global Hotspot to provide portable situational awareness capabilities.
News Release: S&T Launches Hacking for Homeland Security Program
DHS S&T is working to speed development of solutions for our most pressing homeland security challenges with the launch of an entrepreneurship program called Hacking for Homeland Security (H4HS).
Feature Article: Identity Verification During the Age of COVID-19
S&T's Biometric Technology Rally focused on the ability of acquisition systems and matching algorithms to recognize travelers without asking them to remove their masks, thereby reducing risk for frontline workers.
Computers Everywhere, Security Every Day
Learn about recent cyber solutions the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has helped upload into our digital society.
Feature Article: Global Standards Make Traveling with Liquids Safer and Easier
An important part of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) mission is to develop, implement, improve-upon, and ensure the effectiveness of cutting-edge screening equipment and protocols that help protect the traveling public.
News Release: DHS S&T Requests Night Vision Technologies for Market Survey
Seeking to support first responders by providing the information they need to make smart decisions when purchasing night vision technologies, DHS S&T has released a new Request for Information.
Giving Thanks During Difficult Times
I’m thankful for the hard work S&T has been doing across the board to make a difference for our stakeholders and to protect our nation and those who serve it.
Feature Article: Here’s What We’ve Learned About COVID-19
DHS S&T's Master Question List is updated every week with the latest trustworthy COVID-19 information and data relevant to weathering the pandemic.News Release: DHS Announces SBIR Pre-Solicitation
DHS announced the release of 12 topics for the new Small Business Innovation Research 21.1 Pre-solicitation.
Feature Article: Journal Highlights Groundbreaking S&T Research on Chlorine Spread
CSAC’s Jack Rabbit project research findings to be published in special edition of the prestigious peer-reviewed Journal of Atmospheric Environment.
Feature Article: Upcoming S&T Guidance Improve Critical Infrastructure Resilience
S&T's Resilient PNT Conformance Framework will improve critical infrastructure’s ability to prevent, respond, and recover from GPS disruptions.
News Release: S&T Award for Genuine Presence Detection and Anti-Spoofing
DHS S&T awarded $198K in phase 4 funding to iProov Ltd., of London, England, to test and pilot its solution, developed over the first three SVIP project phases, in a full-scale CBP operational environment.
Ensuring the Security and Resilience of our Critical Infrastructure
DHS S&T joins industry, responders, and international partners to keep our critical infrastructure systems on the cutting-edge.
News Release: Finalists Announced in Digital Wallets Prize Challenge
DHS S&T announced three finalists in the first stage of the $25,000 Digital Wallets Challenge.
News Release: DHS Awards $2M to Create National Cybersecurity Network
DHS S&T, in partnership with CISA, has awarded $2 million to CIRI, a DHS Center of Excellence led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, to develop a plan to build a national network of cybersecurity technical institutes.