S&T APCO 2019 | Homeland Security
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APCO 2019

Join S&T at APCO 2019. August 12-13. Baltimore, Md. Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn. YouTube. DHSScitTech. APCO International’s Annual Conference & Expo is the premier event for public safety communications officials, from frontline telecommunicators to communications center managers to public safety communications equipment and services vendors. DHS S&T and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) will be in booth 659 and ready to talk to you about DHS efforts to advance public safety communications.


S&T will be at APCO describing how we holistically examine responder technology and capability needs and safety requirements. Starting with first responder uniforms and working outward, S&T helps first responders integrate sensors that monitor their health, location and safety, as well as improve uniforms' protective properties. From ensuring interoperability to improving connectivity and capabilities, S&T’s programs and projects also encompass the communications spectrum.


CISA will be discussing its latest efforts to enhance public safety interoperable communications at all levels of government. CISA conducts extensive, nationwide outreach to support and promote the ability of emergency response providers and relevant government officials to communicate in the event of natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other hazards. CISA will be showcasing information on training and awareness products that relate to countering improvised explosive devices, and preventing, protecting against, responding to, and mitigating the use of explosives against critical infrastructure.

Speaking and Office Hours Schedule

August 11

CISA—1:30-2:30 p.m.; James Downes, and Stephen Nichols, Andy Davis, and Jeremy Elder; "Project 25 for the Future: What’s New Today and What’s Coming Next" (Room 343-344)

August 12

CISA—2:00-3:00 p.m.; James Downes; “Protections, Capabilities, and Real-World Deployments of Encryption Protocols” (Room 343-344)
Office Hours: 10am - 4pm

August 13

S&T—1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.; "Joint SAFECOM/NCSWIC P25 CAP Working Group (CAPWG)" (Paca Room on the 3rd floor. Dial in: 855-852-7677 and access code: 9999-1882-3362.)
S&T and CISA—1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Serena Reynolds, John Merrill, Ron Langhelm, and Ruth Vogel; “An Update on DHS' Efforts to Improve Emergency Communications” (Room 321)
S&T—2:45 p.m. - 3:45 PM; Sridhar Kowdley, and partners Greg Jurrens, Russ Sveda, and Ian Carpenter – “ISSI/CSSI Testing: The Next Frontier for P25 CAP”
CISA—4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Ron Hewitt; Second General Business Session (Room 307-310)
Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

August 14

CISA—1:45-2:45 p.m.; Gerald Jaskulski & Laurie Flaherty; “The National 9-1-1 Data System: Aggregating Uniform Datasets for Optimal 9-1-1 Systems” (Room 301-303)

The more than 5,000 APCO attendees represent a wide range of responder organizations, including emergency communications centers, law enforcement, fire service, emergency medical services, and government agencies, along with service providers and commercial vendors. Keep checking back for more details!

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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