Stopping signal interference | Homeland Security
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Facebook Tech Talk: Stopping Signal Interference

Communications are a lifeline for first responders – they depend on devices and systems that are reliable and resilient to interference in order to save lives and protect our communities. Spectrum interference – anything that interferes with radio, GPS or cellular signals—affects GPS, cell phones and radios, and can hinder a responder from acting quickly or communicating effectively with other members of the public safety community.

Working closely with first responders from across the country, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) held the 2016 First Responder Electronic Jamming Exercise at White Sands Missile Range last July, and is planning the 2017 exercise – nicknamed JamX 17 – at Idaho National Labs this summer.

While the 2016 exercise helped first responders better understand how spectrum interference may impact their communication devices and mission response, JamX 17 will dive deeper to assess new technologies and tactics that can help responders identify, locate and mitigate the impact of interference. Our goal is to help responders across the county build more resilient communication networks and prepare them to recognize, respond to, report and resolve interference incidents when they occur.

Join us for our live Facebook TechTalk, on Thursday, May 25 at 1:30 p.m. EST. JamX 17 Exercise Director Sridhar Kowdley, will answer questions about DHS S&T’s work on spectrum resiliency and its impact on first responders, their mission space and their standard operating procedures. Hope to see you there!

Last Updated: 08/02/2024
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