First Responders | Homeland Security
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First Responders

S&T First Responders. Using science to strengthen first responders and the nation. 18,000+ Improved firefighter garments. 1.25 threats detected. 2,000+ state and local law enforcement officers trained to detect radiation. Helping law enforcement seize more than $10 million in criminal funds. Industry sold over 40,000 products developed by S&T accounting for $19 Million in sales revenue. Supporting over 3 million public safety users with and mobile radio interoperability. 30+ states using our enhanced information sharing tools, technologies, resources & exercises.488+ state and local bomb squads using S&T technology and techniques. 9% improvement in imposter detection through innovative training technology. Helping safe 475 child sex trafficking victims. 21 state and terrirtories using hurricane evacuation tool. Through the engagement of and partnership with first responders and the emergency preparedness and response community, S&T pursues a better understanding of the response to communities' needs and requirements, provides technical assistance, and develops innovations to the most pressing challenges faced during day-to-day and large-scale emergencies. These efforts, which help secure the nation through science and technology, are occurring at every stage of technology and solution development, and are involving first responders at the local, state, tribal and federal levels.

First Responder News and Announcements

News icon S&T Develops Terrorism Prevention Research Findings Dashboard
Sept. 28, 2018—To counter the continually growing and changing threat of violent extremism, DHS S&T has developed a free and publicly accessible research findings dashboard that hosts more than 1,500 cataloged terrorism prevention and countering violent extremism research documents. This dashboard is an agile, multi‑disciplinary knowledge‑based capability that helps to systematically develop a landscape of the existing research in this topic area across multiple disciplines, including social and behavioral science.

News icon S&T Supports FEMA with Comprehensive Flood Insurance Report
Sept. 27, 2018—The DHS S&T Flood Apex Program funded a project with the Risk Management and Decision Processes Center of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

News icon On the Road Again: Alerting First Responders and Drivers of Oncoming Roadway Hazards
Sept. 25, 2018 —Distracted or impaired drivers. Speeding. Inclement weather. Whether at a traffic stop, a vehicle fire or a medical call, responders of all disciplines knowingly place themselves in harm’s way in service to our commuters and our communities. Every year, first responders are killed or severely injured when they are struck by vehicles that fail to slow down or avoid incident scenes. The Automated Driver and Responder Alert System (ADRAS), a new technology funded by S&T, aims to drastically reduce this risk.

News icon Datacasting for Instant Situational Awareness
Sept. 13, 2018 -- DHS S&T saw a requirement to provide responders with a secure, readily accessible way to allow both the picture and the words to help responders make better decisions in a crisis.

News icon Fentanyl Video Released
Sept. 6, 2018—A new video on first responders and fentanyl is available. The video, Fentanyl: The Real Deal, highlights protective actions first responders should take to perform daily activities safely when the presence of fentanyl is suspected, exposure occurs, and Individuals exhibit signs of opioid intoxication. A Federal Interagency Working Group coordinated by the National Security Council developed Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders and the companion fentanyl training video. Learn more and access the safety recommendations and watch the video through

News icon S&T and NIST Projects in Support of NYPD Explosive Trace Detection
Sept. 5, 2018 -- S&T recently took part in a demonstration of the NYPD’s FIDO X-3 Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) system, under the sponsorship of the Secondary Screening Program led by S&T Program Manager Dr. Laura Parker. This event showcased work S&T funded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to optimize NYPD trace detection processes in these areas.

News icon DHS S&T Awards $3.5M to Improve X-Ray Detection Technology
WASHINGTON, Aug. 30, 2018—S&T has awarded a total of nearly $3.5 million in funding to three new R&D projects designed to improve the threat detection capabilities of current X-ray technologies for checked baggage systems.

News icon DHS Awards $199K for Development of Energy Harvesting Fabric
Aug. 28, 2018—S&T has awarded $199,260 to Boston-based Protect the Force, Inc. for the development of photovoltaic (PV) energy harvesting fabrics. Energy harvesting fabrics produce and store electricity within a fabric weave to power portable devices.

For a complete listing of First Responder news articles, visit our S&T Responder News page.

Our Mission

Partnering with first responders at all levels, S&T identifies, validates, and facilitates the fulfillment of needs through the use of existing and emerging technologies, knowledge products, and standards. Prioritized areas of S&T focus and initiatives include:

  • Making first responders safer
  • Helping first responders share data and critical information
  • Helping first responders communicate through interoperability
  • Engaging, communicating and partnering with first responders

First Responder Publications

National Urban Security Technology Laboratory

As a federal laboratory organized within DHS S&T, the National Urban Security Technology Laboratory brings together the interests and initiatives of the Homeland Security Enterprise with the first responder community. The laboratory’s mission activities in test and evaluation and research and development help first responders prepare, protect and respond to homeland security threats.

First Responder Communities of Practice (FRCoP)

First Responders Communities of Practice circular logo which states: Professional Networking, Collaboration, and Communication First Responder Communities of Practice is a professional networking, collaboration and communication platform created by S&T to support improved collaboration and information sharing among the nation's First Responders and other federal, state, tribal, territorial, and local governments and private sector stakeholders supporting homeland security efforts. This vetted community of members focuses on emergency preparedness, response, recovery and other homeland security issues.

With a FRCoP account, you can:

  • Collaborate on wikis, blogs and discussion boards
  • Find, share and store documents and best practices
  • Create and search profiles
  • Connect, chat, and email with other professionals

To request an account, complete the online form on

Connect with S&T

Keep up with what S&T is doing in the first responder community. 

Last Updated: 08/01/2024
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