S&T Text-to-911 Translation Fact Sheet | Homeland Security
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Text-to-911 Translation Fact Sheet


Developing Technology to Translate Foreign Language Texts for Dispatch. The ability to text emergency messages to 911 is currently being deployed in locations across the nation. Domestic violence situations, home break-ins, carjackings, mass shootings and hostage situations are but a few examples of danger where verbally calling 911 could draw attention to victims and exacerbate an already dangerous situation. For many citizens, residents and visitors in America with limited English proficiency, emergency situations can become even more complicated when trying to communicate with emergency services. As Text-to-911 technology continues to grow, pro-grams to help this segment of the U.S. population will be needed.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Text-to-911 Translation Fact Sheet PDF 728.17 KB 01/08/2020
Last Updated: 06/17/2024
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