Under Secretary Updates | Homeland Security
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Under Secretary's Updates

Week of November 11-15, 2024

Under Secretary Kusnezov delivered the keynote at the Annual DHS Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC) Summit last month. His speech focused on the vital role science and technology play in advancing the DHS mission.  

The Under Secretary emphasized the unique environment FFRDCs provide to tackle challenges, manage uncertainty, foster innovation and enable the Department to approach problems from a multifaceted perspective. 

Over 100 government attendees were encouraged to consider the interconnectedness of the sectors and maintain a technological edge while managing potential impacts on critical systems. Moving forward, DHS aims to continue to work closely with the FFRDCs, state and local partners, and private industry to build a resilient and responsive security framework that can meet the challenges of the future. 

Under Secretary Kusnezov provides the welcome and keynote remarks on “The Role of Science and Technology in Connecting Innovation with the DHS Mission” at this year’s DHS FFRDC.
Under Secretary Kusnezov provides the welcome and keynote remarks on “The Role of Science and Technology in Connecting Innovation with the DHS Mission” at this year’s DHS FFRDC. Photo credit: Jordan Higgins, MITRE

Last Updated: 01/13/2025
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