Blockchain Portfolio | Homeland Security
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Blockchain Portfolio

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) are innovative technologies that have many uses and applications across multiple sectors of the economy. From the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) perspective, the technologies hold the potential for enhanced transparency and auditing of public service operations, greater supply chain visibility to combat the distribution of counterfeit products, and automation of paper-based processes to improve delivery of services to organizations and citizens. Examples include ensuring the authenticity and integrity of videos and photos from cameras, sensors, and Internet of Things devices; enhancing and facilitating international trade and customs processes; facilitating and securing passenger processing; and mitigating forgery and counterfeiting of official licenses and certificates.

The challenge with blockchain technology is the potential for the development of “walled gardens” or closed technology platforms that do not support common standards for security, privacy, and data exchange. This would limit the growth and availability of a competitive marketplace of diverse, interoperable solutions for government and industry to draw upon to deliver cost effective and innovative services based on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. As such, DHS work in Blockchain and DLT is focused on enabling support for an interoperable baseline of security and privacy across implementations by the use of open and global standards.

Last Updated: 12/09/2024
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