Deconstructing SBIR Webinar Series | Homeland Security
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Deconstructing SBIR Webinar Series

Watch our videos explaining the SBIR process.

Deconstructing SBIR Insights Outreach Getting Onboard

Insights Outreach | Getting Onboard with SBIR 
As part of the S&T Insights Outreach webinar series, the DHS SBIR Director shared insights about how small businesses can participate in the program and how technologies developed through SBIR can support DHS component technology needs. Check back soon to view the webinar recording and access the presentation brief. Insights Outreach is a monthly webinar series about navigating S&T partnership opportunities for the innovation community, including small businesses and startups, interested in doing business with S&T. Join Industry Partnerships to learn about S&T partnership opportunities, DHS mission needs, and alternative paths to funding to help get the best homeland security solutions to market faster.

Deconstructing SBIR: But Wait There’s More! Learn about New and Improved Outreach Ventures.

Deconstructing SBIR: But Wait There’s More!
During the event, viewers heard from the newest member of the DHS SBIR team, Outreach Manager Connie Benesh, who spoke about her role and the ways in which the DHS SBIR program is engaging new and innovative small businesses to promote awareness of the program, resources for small businesses, and goals for the future. This webinar included a fireside chat on DHS SBIR’s Phase 0 with Dr. Jenny Servo, the founder and president of Dawnbreaker.

Deconstructing SBIR: 24.1 Pre-Solicitation "It's Time for a New Phase"

Deconstructing SBIR: 24.1 Pre-Solicitation "It's Time for a New Phase"
During this webinar, the DHS SBIR Program Director was joined by special guest Pat Dillon, Founder and President of MNSBIR, Inc., to discuss the 24.1 Pre-Solicitation and how small business innovators can participate in the program. Viewers also learned about SBIR's newest initiative, Phase 0.


Deconstructing SBIR: 24.1 Pre-Solicitation "It's Time for a New Phase"

Deconstructing SBIR: Who Understood the Assignment?
During this webinar, the DHS SBIR Program Director was joined by special guest from DHS’s Office of the Chief Procurement Officer. The 23.1 Pre-solicitation and how small business innovators can participate in the program is also discussed.


Deconstructing SBIR: Detecting Trapped Survivors OATS RFI

Deconstructing SBIR: Detecting Trapped Survivors OATS RFI
During this webinar, viewers heard from Federal Emergency Management Agency representatives and the DHS SBIR Program Director about the needs in the “Detecting Trapped Survivors” OATS RFI topic released in January 2022. OATS RFI submissions leverage previous SBIR or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I, Phase II or Phase III awards from federal agencies.

Deconstructing SBIR: What's New in 2022!

Deconstructing SBIR: What's New in 2022!
In this video, the DHS SBIR Office spoke about the 22.1 Pre-solicitation, how small business innovators can participate in the program, and other plans for 2022.



Deconstructing SBIR: Other Agency Technology Solutions (OATS) RFI

Deconstructing SBIR: Other Agency Technology Solutions (OATS) RFI
Other Agency Technology Solutions leverage previous Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I, Phase II or Phase III awards from another federal agency. During this webinar, viewers heard from three DHS Component representatives about the needs in the DHS Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 2021 request for information (RFI) topic areas. OATS RFI submissions leverage previous SBIR or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I, Phase II or Phase III awards from federal agencies.

Deconstructing SBIR: Planning for Privacy

Deconstructing SBIR: Planning for Privacy
The DHS SBIR Program partners with S&T’s Privacy Office to build privacy considerations and protections into S&T business processes and mission outcomes. During this webinar, viewers will learn how the DHS SBIR Program Office works with DHS S&T’s Privacy Office to meet statutory requirements and how to prepare an SBIR proposal with privacy compliance in mind.

SBIR: Deconstructing Making the Most of Your One on Ones

Innovate S&T Deconstructing SBIR: Making the Most of Your One-on-Ones
One-on-one meetings provide an opportunity for the small business community to discuss their capabilities and learn more about the SBIR Program. In this video, DHS SBIR Program Director Dusty Lang and Brittany Sickler from the Small Business Administration provide insight into making the most of SBIR one-on-one opportunities. Find out what to expect at a typical one-on-one and how best to prepare.

SBIR One on One Dos and Donts

SBIR One-on-Ones: Dos and Don'ts
In this webinar, the DHS SBIR Program demonstrates the Dos and Don’ts of participating in an SBIR one-on-one meeting. Short clips simulate meeting scenarios and are followed up with information on best approach techniques.


Deconstructing SBIR 21.1

Deconstructing SBIR: 21.1 Pre-Solicitation
The DHS SBIR Program Director and the NAVSEA PEO USC SBIR/STTR Technology Manager discuss important information for their respective programs’ 21.1 solicitations.



SBIR: Deconstructing DHS Small Business Innovation Research Program FY 20

Deconstructing SBIR: 20.1 Solicitation
The DHS SBIR team provides insight on the 20.1 Solicitation, including important information on the proposal submission process and other requirements.



SBIR: Proposal Submission

Deconstructing SBIR: Innovate S&T – SBIR Proposal Submission Process
The SBIR Program utilizes the ingenuity of small businesses to tackle the toughest challenges to homeland security. In this video, the DHS SBIR team breaks down the proposal submission process, including the importance of the pre-solicitation period and how small businesses can take advantage of this opportunity to understand topics and engage with technical managers on the SBIR topics.

SBIR: Small Business Innovation Program

Deconstructing SBIR: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
The DHS SBIR Program encourages U.S. small businesses with fewer than 500 employees to provide quality research and develop new processes, products and technologies to support security challenges across DHS. This video provides an overview of the program and how DHS technology needs become SBIR topics.

Last Updated: 01/17/2025
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