Information Analytics | Homeland Security
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Information Analytics

The Science and Technology Directorate's (S&T's) Information Analytics Program seeks to enhance the ability of DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) operational units to correlate threat intelligence and risk data. This capability will allow analysts to better query and correlate information related to cyber risk analysis, physical and infrastructure risk, and blended cyber-physical risk/threat. Additionally, the program supports the improvement of computational analytics and information sharing in order to improve homeland security cyber-physical security risk analysis across government, the 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors, and the 55 National Critical Functions. The work is driven by a vision for next generation CISA architectures, computation, and decision-making capabilities, and establishes the foundation for future artificial intelligence (AI) solutions.

Learn more about us and discover how your organization can partner with S&T to make the homeland more secure.

Last Updated: 06/11/2024
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