5G/6G | Homeland Security
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5G/6G Wireless Networks

Internet of Things

At the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), we are excited for the innovations and opportunities presented by emerging technologies. Advanced information and communications technology (ICT) will enable new ways for DHS to accomplish its mission to safeguard the homeland and protect our critical infrastructure. We are also aware of the geopolitical implications to this and other emerging technologies. As a result of a collaboration between S&T and DHS headquarters, we seek to increase awareness and understanding of the roll out of 5G technology, while beginning early conversations on 6G. 5G will be important for years to come, but we need to prepare the department and the homeland for the coming development of 6G.

As telecommunication companies continue to implement 5G—and research 6G—components and develop products, understanding the technology needed to operate these new networks and the devices that can and will connect to them becomes vital for understanding and predicting the future of wireless connectivity.  Below is an exploration of the components that make 5G possible, the devices that aim to take advantage of 5G’s claims, and the implications of these advancements to everyday consumers and the greater homeland security enterprise.

As 5G/6G technology continues to evolve and mature, this page will be updated with the latest information to keep readers informed of relevant changes.

Read our full report 5G: The Telecommunications Horizon and Homeland Security.

Last Updated: 12/26/2023
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