Lab Recognition | Homeland Security
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How to Become a Recognized Lab

Department of Homeland Security Compliance Assessment Program P25 CAP Accreditation Body logo Steps for Lab Recognition

  1. Visit Policy to learn about P25 CAP operations and follow the process and equipment requirements for attaining recognition as a P25 CAP laboratory.
  2. Select one of the following DHS-recognized accreditation bodies to arrange an onsite assessment of your lab for P25 CAP testing:
  3. Visit Accreditation Body and Laboratory Agreements to review the testing and reporting requirements that a DHS-recognized accreditation laboratory must agree to in writing.
  4. Submit Accreditation Body recognition documentation along with signed Accreditation Body and Laboratory Agreement to
  5. Contact DHS at to use a recognized laboratory certification mark.
Last Updated: 12/01/2023
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