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SBIR Success Stories
Small businesses are crucial to innovative research and development efforts. Their nimble approach to solving technology challenges makes them valuable partners and results in important advances for S&T’s stakeholders.
News Release: DHS S&T and Israeli partners call for proposals on advanced first responder tech
DHS S&T today announced applications are now being accepted for the NextGen First Responder Technologies solicitation. This is a joint effort funded by S&T and the Israeli Ministry of Public Service.
Snapshot: S&T EMERGE Accelerator Pilots A New Path Forward
S&T's EMERGE Accelerator Pilot Program Combined The Best Of The Private And Public Sectors For Innovations In First Responder Technology.
Media Advisory: DHS S&T to hold industry day
The DHS S&T Silicon Valley Innovation Program will host an industry day to connect technology startups and investors to new opportunities for research and development of cybersecurity active defenses for the nation’s financial services sector critical infrastructure.
Lets Talk About Critical Infrastructure
When we talk about critical infrastructure, certain aspects are easier to picture than others.
News Release: NATO adapts NICS for first responders
DHS S&T today announced the Next-Generation Incident Command System (NICS), an information sharing tool for first responders, will now be implemented in some NATO member and partner countries as part of NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Project Advanced Regional Civil Emergency Coordination Pilot.
Happy Thanksgiving
We all know what the history books say about the first Thanksgiving, but how much do you know about current Thanksgiving Day traditions? And did you know S&T plays a role in them?
Responder Spotlight: Jeremy DeMar
S&T’s First Responders Group relies on experienced emergency response and preparedness professionals—the First Responder Resource Group—to guide its research and development efforts. Meet one of the group’s newest members: Jeremy DeMar, public safety emergency communications supervisor at the Rochester (New York) Emergency Communications Department and Monroe County 911 Center.
Protecting Where We Swipe, Save, and Borrow
The financial services sector is the backbone of our economic strength as a country.