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Snapshot: FRRG A Valuable Resource for Science and Technology
One of DHS S&T's core missions is to develop new technologies for first responders and then transition it to the commercial market. In order to accomplish this, FRG is reliant on the help of first responders from across the United States. It is their firsthand experience, insights, and expertise that allows S&T to conceptualize and evaluate first responder technologies.
Can We Do More for America's Rural Volunteer Firefighters?
As floods, wildfires, and violent storms in rural areas continue to increase, volunteer firefighters play an essential role despite the fact they often find themselves without the resources of larger agencies.
Tune in to Our Facebook Town Hall on How to Do Business with S&T!
When I started here, one of my biggest goals was making further inroads with industry and growing our business audience. We’ve made progress, but we want to do more.
Responder News: From the White House Blog: Harnessing the Potential of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technology
Understanding how drones might play a positive role in public life will be key for emergency managers and first responders in the coming decades.
Snapshot: DHS Centers of Excellence Create Future Problem Solvers
For S&T, focusing on the future also includes the specialized research and education programs at the university-based DHS Centers of Excellence (COEs).
Responder News: New Alert System Aims to Protect Responders (and Drivers) at Roadway Incident Scenes
The Automated Driver and Responder Alert System provides early warning for drivers approaching emergency scene.
Computer Science for All
Our security leaders of tomorrow must be ready with the skills to combat threats in the 21st century, and computer science is an important building block.
Responder News: 2016 National Preparedness Report Highlights Emergency Response Collaboration
FEMA’s 2016 National Preparedness Report offers case studies on Department of Homeland Security emergency response efforts in the areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
September is National Preparedness Month!
At S&T, we provide the tools and technologies to facilitate planning before disasters happen so our stakeholders are empowered to be more resilient against natural and manmade threats.
Snapshot: S&T's Prepaid Card Reader Aids Law Enforcement in Seizing Fraudulent Cards
U.S. law enforcement agencies have a powerful new tool at their disposal: DHS S&T’s Electronic Recovery and Access to Data (ERAD) Prepaid Card Reader.