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Secretary Johnson and I agree on this one hundred percent, and we believe that the best way to find effective technological solutions is through integrated product teams (IPTs) that unify research and development (R&D) efforts across the department. Established in August of this year with the Science and Technology Directorate as the lead, IPTs have begun to convene mission-focused teams of component operators and DHS technical experts.
Rapid DNA
Archived - Rapid DNA, a newly commercialized technology developed by S&T, addresses challenges by speeding up DNA testing to verify family relationships.
S&T Awards NYU $1.4M for Automotive Cyber Security Research
Archived - DHS S&T awarded $1.4 million to NYU for the development of tech that can help defend government and privately owned vehicles from cyber-attacks.
Spotlight Paul Laney
The Sheriff of Cass County, North Dakota is a member of the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate’s First Responder Resource Group (FRRG).
Responder News: Broad Agency Announcement Launch
Industry partners: FRG is launching a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) on October 13 — and we think you’re the key to helping us advance first responder technological development.
FRG IoT Pilot
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has launched a pilot, the Incident Management Information Sharing (IMIS), to harness the capabilities of IoT to improve first responders’ situational awareness during emergencies.
Responder News: Time for the 2015 Great ShakeOut
The annual Great ShakeOut event is the largest earthquake drill in the world held on a single day. With more than 100,000 registered participants, it provides a great opportunity for schools, families and offices to take part in the emergency drill and review the steps to follow during an actual earthquake.
Kicking off NCSAM 2015
Identifying the importance of cybersecurity and raising awareness across our nation, President Obama designated October to be National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM).
S&T launches $100K Prize Competition to support future NBAF
“Think and Do Challenge" is a prize competition that seeks ideas to leverage NBAF resources in order to conduct research to protect the Nation’s animal agricultural industry and public health.