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Wildland Fire Fighter Uniform Redesigned
In 2011, CAL FIRE approached the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate’s First Responders Group (FRG) requesting assistance in developing prototype garments.
Responder News: Project Roundup January 2015
Every month, the Department Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T) posts a roundup of key updates from project currently in the development stages in S&T's First Responders Group (FRG). This article outlines FRG's accomplishments in January 2015.
Responder News: NIST Fire Modeling
National Institute for Standards and Technology software tools help response agencies predict the spread, growth and suppression of fire.
Taking Stock of S&T’s Portfolio
This week-long review of projects spanning across our Divisions provides critical insight into current performance and how it all fits together in the bigger strategy, and provides transparency into our efforts for all invited guests, including our S&T and DHS teams, partners and end users.
Calling All Responders
When it comes to equipping the Responder of the Future — the ultimate first responder who is protected, connected, and fully aware — many voices need to be part of the conversation.
Responder Spotlight: Andrew Wordin
Meet Andrew Wordin, Los Angeles Fire Department Battalion Chief and member of the DHS S&T First Responder Resource Group.
Responder News: Autism Guide for First Responders
The Organization for Autism Research offers tips on how to ensure the safety of people with autism.
Portable Biodetection
Every day, across the nation, first responders are called to investigate suspicious white powders. To assist first responders, CBD and PNNL recently released an app that provides access to the latest First Responder Biodetection Technology Report.
Responder News: Personal Area Network Exercise Event Recap
Responders evaluate DHS Science and Technology Directorate program to boost mission critical communications.
Responder News: The ABCs of Creating a WEA Message
Mobile devices are everywhere, making them the ideal mechanisms for distributing immediate notices and alerts to the public. Preceding or during a natural disaster or emergency situation, some public safety agencies have used the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) service to pass relevant information to the public.