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S&T Makes Headway on Infrastructure Investment
S&T’s Critical Infrastructure Security & Resilience Research Program is tapping into the latest innovations in science and technology to address strategic CI needs.
DHS Announces New 23.1 SBIR Pre-Solicitation
DHS SBIR Program released seven topics for the new SBIR 23.1 Pre-solicitation.
S&T Awards Funds for Workplace Injury Mitigation
DHS S&T announced a Phase 1 Other Transaction award to FireHUD, Inc. (commercially conducting business as SlateSafety).
S&T Awards Funds for Mental Health and Recovery
DHS S&T announced a Phase 1 Other Transaction award to Sana Health, a Denver, Colorado-based company.
S&T Announces Five Awards to Improve DHS Workforce Safety and Wellness
DHS S&T announced five awardees from the “Human Performance and Resiliency” solicitation which sought innovative technologies and methods to improve workforce safety and wellness for DHS personnel.
S&T Awards Funds for Developing Anomaly Detection Systems for Securing Soft Targets
DHS S&T announced a Phase 1 Other Transaction award to customize its commercial artificial intelligence solution and create an adaptable anomaly detection system to secure soft targets.
S&T Awards Funds for Developing Detection Algorithms for Securing Soft Targets
DHS S&T announced a Phase 1 Other Transaction award to Flux Tensor to apply algorithms that help identify motion in complex videos.
Thank Goodness for Secure Infrastructure
In celebration of Infrastructure Security Month, discover S&T initiatives safeguarding various vital systems that underpin our modern society.
Feature Article: Software Suite Will Harden Defenses for Soft Targets
S&T is continuously working to equip those within DHS dedicated to securing soft targets with enhanced detection methods.
S&T Issues Contract to Help FEMA Stabilize Community Resources in Disasters
DHS S&T announced a contract award to G&H International Services, Inc. to design, develop and implement a Community Lifeline Status System for FEMA to assist in helping emergency management organizations establish standardized and integrated systems to the already existing Community Lifeline Construct.