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Snapshot: More Tests for Arctic Oil-spill-mapping Robot
To help the Coast Guard map oil spills under ice, the DHS S&T has been working on an underwater robot for the past four years through a DHS Center of Excellence, the Arctic Domain Awareness Center (ADAC) at the University of Alaska Anchorage, in partnership with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.
News Release: USCG, S&T To Venture into Space with Polar Scout Launch
The Coast Guard RDT&E Program, in partnership with DHS S&T, today launched two 6U CubeSats from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.
Media Advisory: S&T Demonstrates Tech During Hazmat Scenario
DHS S&T)is presenting a demonstration of integrating emergency response technologies during a simulated HAZMAT scenario at the Port of Houston on December 5, 2018.
S&T, Industry, Responders Partner, Address Security Concerns
DHS S&T’s Next Generation First Responder Apex Program works with public safety agencies to ensure the technology we research and develop for responders is not only innovative but has the capability to integrate with agencies’ existing technology.
Snapshot: S&T is Working to Address GPS Vulnerabilities
DHS S&T has dedicated a multi‑year program to address GPS vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure, with a multipronged approach.
News Release: DHS Announces FY19 SBIR Topics
DHS has posted topics for the DHS Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 19.1 Pre-Solicitation.
Media Advisory: DHS S&T to Host Industry Day for Start-Ups
The DHS S&T Silicon Valley Innovation Program will host a DHS Industry Day on December 11th in Menlo Park, California, to describe its operations and new solicitation: Preventing Forgery and Counterfeiting of Certificates and Licenses.
Media Advisory: S&T Demonstrates Tech During a Hazmat Scenario
DHS S&T will host a demonstration of integrating emergency response technologies during a simulated HAZMAT scenario at the Port of Houston on December 5, 2018.
Snapshot: S&T Dam-breach Simulation Software Helps Planning
A dam failure can happen at any time. To address population distribution at different times of the year, week and day, DSS-WISE™ Lite added a new feature called the Human Consequence Module.
News Release: DHS Partners with Industry in Houston
DHS, industry partners and 13 local Houston-area public safety agencies will integrate existing first responder technology with DHS-developed and commercial technology during a HAZMAT scenario.