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The Power of Testing Critical Infrastructure in Operational Settings
DHS S&T enables effective, efficient, and secure operations across all homeland security missions by applying scientific, engineering, analytic, and innovative approaches to deliver timely solutions and support departmental acquisitions.
News Release: Funding Awarded for School Age Trauma Training
DHS S&T and FEMA awarded funding to the not-for-profit National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health to deliver free, lifesaving trauma training to high school age students.
News Release: DHS S&T, Dutch Partners Award $2.5M for Cyber R&D
DHS S&T and its counterparts in the Netherlands jointly announced today a total of $2.5 million in collaborative cybersecurity research and development (R&D) across five U.S-Dutch research teams.
News Release: Winners Announced in CG Challenge for Boater Safety
Winners were announced today for Phase I of the U.S. Coast Guard Ready for Rescue Challenge.
Snapshot: S&T Tech Assesses Bridge Safety after Powerful Storms
Loose or loosening soil is often the culprit in weakening bridge stability. Thus, an instrument that can quickly assess the soil conditions around bridge pillars became a top priority for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), as well as state and local governments.
Recognizing a Year in Critical Infrastructure Innovation
This November, DHS S&T recognizes the importance of increasing the resilience of our most core societal functions in an ever-changing technological landscape.
News Release: S&T Awards $1.27M to Improve Cybersecurity Investments
DHS S&T has awarded a total of $1,272,320 across two universities to develop new solutions to improve the capability of organizations to understand and improve their cybersecurity control investment decisions.
Snapshot: S&T, N.C. Partner to Test Flood Sensors, Build Resilience
To mitigate the impact of flood disasters, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has initiated multiple projects across the nation through its Flood Apex Program.
Ensuring the Security and Resiliency of Our Schools
As Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month kicks off, I want to talk about one component of infrastructure in particular—our schools—and a new technology S&T just released that will help protect not only the physical buildings, but also the individuals within them.
Snapshot: Detecting Drones Through Machine Learning, Cameras
Combined with machine learning, however, a camera can tell a different story. Today, this budding technology is helping the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and Sandia National Laboratories create more precise drone detection capability through visuals alone.