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Snapshot: S&T’s Rapid DNA Tech Completes DNA Testing in Minutes Instead of Months
In late November 2017, the Massachusetts Office of Chief Medical Examiner (MAOCME) issued their first official identification of a deceased person based on the accredited use of S&T's Rapid DNA technology.
Snapshot: Bringing 21st Century Biometric Solutions to Our Nation’s Airports
S&T evaluates biometric collection technologies, algorithm evaluations, and conducting experiments to identify processes and technology to accurately and efficiently track the entry and exit of the traveling public.
News Release: DHS Announces FY18 Small Business Innovation Research Topics
DHS announced the topics for the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 18.1 Pre-Solicitation.
Snapshot: S&T’s Dam Simulation Program Saves Lives and Saves Taxpayers Nearly $50M
Already, 35 states and various federal agencies are using the DSS-WISE™ Lite capability free of charge. Since its release in November 8, 2016 through the end of November, 2017, the system handled 3,115 dam-break flood simulations for 876 dams.
News Release: DHS S&T Announces Licensing of Infrastructure Security Technology from Transition to Practice Program
DHS S&T today announced the commercialization of another Transition to Practice (TTP) program technology—the sixth marketplace transition in the last six months.
News Release: S&T Receives Four Platinum ‘ASTOR’ Awards from American Security Today
DHS S&T research and development projects received top ASTOR Homeland Security Awards from American Security Today in a ceremony November 16, at the ISC East Security Conference in New York City.
Critical Infrastructure, Partnering for Success
This November, we’ve covered a variety of areas where S&T supports critical infrastructure sectors.
Snapshot: Recent Field Tests Highlight Collaborations for Bomb Squad Response
Every day, state and local bomb squads place themselves in harm’s way in order to shield citizens and property from potential catastrophe.
Snapshot: The HME Characterization Program: Keeping Americans Safe
S&T’s HME Program has taken a leading role in several rapid responses regarding intelligence about terror plots and in the aftermath of successful terror attacks.
S&T Launches Hidden Signals Challenge to Uncover Emerging Biothreats
S&T recently launched the Hidden Signals Challenge, a prize competition calling upon data innovators to develop concepts for novel uses of existing data that will identify signals and achieve timelier alerts for biothreats in our cities and communities.