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S&T Works with NYPD to Test Communication Systems
S&T evaluated the Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (MANET) system, a communications system originally developed for military use, and an Android Tactical Awareness Kit (ATAK) to determine if they could improve communications and public safety situational awareness.
Responder News: NPSTC Report Highlights LTE Broadband Advantages for First Responder Communications
The National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) has published a report to help make first responder agencies aware of broadband communications and how to incorporate them into their response.
News Release: DHS S&T Selects Cyber Apex Solutions for Cyber Research
DHS S&T awarded a five-year Other Transaction Agreement (OTA), with a maximum value of $70 million, to Arlington, Virginia-based Cyber Apex Solutions, LLC, to facilitate applied research of prototype cyber-defenses for critical national infrastructure sectors.
News Release: NRC team with USCG & DHS to Advance Icebreaking Tech
Today, the National Research Council of Canada hosted dignitaries from the USCG), DHS S&T, and U.S. Navy to discuss and showcase progress made on the testing and evaluation of design models for the U.S. heavy polar icebreaker acquisition program.
News Release: S&T Awards $200k to StackRox for Defense Against Cyber Threats
DHS S&T has awarded StackRox, Inc. of Mountain View, California, a $200,000 contract to harden the cyber defenses of financial institutions.
Keeping Communication Lines Open
This past week, I joined my team in Idaho Falls, Idaho for JamX 17. This jamming exercise, held at the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, gave us the opportunity to evaluate solutions to a threat that can leave responders in the dark in regard to communications—possibly escalating already dire situations.
News Release: DHS S&T Assesses Mitigation Tactics against Jamming
Nearly 100 federal, state, and local public safety and private organizations gathered last week to test tactics and technologies to identify, locate and mitigate illegal jamming of communications systems, such as GPS, radio and wireless systems.
Snapshot: Netherlands-U.S. Cybersecurity R&D Partnership is Thriving
“Cybersecurity is a global sport!” That is the worldview Dr. Douglas Maughan takes when it comes to fighting cyber-threats.
News Release: DHS S&T Awards VTO Inc. $928K for Drone Forensics R&D
To increase law enforcement capabilities to identify, collect and analyze evidentiary data from consumer and professional drones, S&T has awarded a $928,541 research-and-development contract to VTO Inc. of Broomfield, Colorado.
News Release: DHS S&T Awards $749K to Evernym for Decentralized Key Management Research and Development
DHS S&T has awarded Salt Lake City-based startup Evernym a $749,000 Small Business Innovation Program (SBIR) award to develop an easy-to-use, decentralized mechanism for managing public and private keys needed for the secure and scalable deployment of blockchain technologies.