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Snapshot: Storm Surge Prediction Tool Helps Emergency Managers Prepare
A tool funded by DHS S&T was forecasting water levels associated with the storm along the Texas coast. The tool, ADCIRC (Advanced Circulation), models storm surge and coastal flooding.
Join us and discuss S&T's SBIR program!
If you’ve got innovative solutions but don’t know how to work with us, we’ve got answers and, potentially, funding. Join us at the end of this month and learn more!
Snapshot: S&T and the Pentagon are Changing K-9 Bomb Detection
Sunny is a very friendly Springer Spaniel who loves attention and affection. But if you were to see Sunny on the street or in a crowd, you might not realize he is one of the few dogs in the world trained to detect person-borne explosives.
News Release: DHS S&T Awards $8.6 Million for 5 R&D Projects
DHS S&T awarded funding to five research and development projects that will enhance the secure use of mobile applications for the federal government.
Snapshot: S&T’s PIADC is helping bring back the Piping Plover
The piping plover population, an endangered species, increased this year, thanks to the hard work of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and DHS.
News Release: DHS grants $5.6M in scientific leadership awards to Minority Serving Institutions
DHS S&T announced the award of $5.6 million in Scientific Leadership Award (SLA) grants to five Minority Serving Institutions to develop course content and engage students and faculty in research relevant to the nation’s complex homeland security challenges
DHS S&T to Participate in NATO Exercise
DHS S&T will be participating in the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre’s (EADRCC) 17th Consequence Management Field Exercise in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 24-29, 2017.
Snapshot: Record Crowd Boosts Cyber Security R&D Showcase’s Impact
The event kicked off July 11 with the R&D Showcase, during which 10 mature cybersecurity technologies and projects were presented by the researchers spearheading each effort.
Snapshot: National Mutual Aid Technology Exercise Brings Together a Diverse Group
NMATE, sponsored by S&T’s First Responders Group, brought together technologists, operators, and decision makers from all over the country to determine to what extent existing mutual aid technology systems are able to share and incorporate each other’s resource and situational awareness information.
Strengthening Our Agricultural Security
Did you know the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is one of two agencies responsible for defending America’s agriculture and food system from disaster?
Media Advisory: DHS to Launch Drone Test and Evaluation Partnership for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
DHS S&T will officially kick off its partnership with Mississippi for test and evaluation of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) Tuesday, August 22, at the Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center, Mississippi.
Snapshot: S&T Evaluates TSA Touch-Free Fingerprint Scanners
DHS S&T is working with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to evaluate new identity verification technology that can reduce the time it takes for travelers to pass through security.
News Release: DHS S&T Awards Metronome Software $750
Metronome Software is developing a technology solution that will significantly enhance the security of mobile device-based sensor systems used by first responders with funding provided by DHS S&T.
Snapshot: Web Tools Help Prepare for Livestock Disease Outbreaks
The USAMM-Shiny App, the first national-scale model of livestock in the US, is an interactive web application that creates heat maps to visualize the movement of cattle across the U.S.
Tune in to S&T’s Tech Talk on Free First Responder Training
On August 14 at 2 p.m., we’ll be hosting a Tech Talk about the EDGE system and how communities can access it—free of charge—to augment and reinforce live training for officers, agents, firefighters or emergency medical technicians.
News Release: DHS S&T Awards $645K to Northeastern University
DHS S&T has awarded Northeastern University $645,229 to develop a system that organizations and individuals can use to audit and control personally identifiable information (PII) leaks from connected devices.
News Release: DHS Selects Arizona State University to Lead COE for Accelerating Operational Efficiency
DHS S&T announced today the selection of Arizona State University to lead a consortium of U.S. academic institutions and other partners for a new Center of Excellence for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE).
News Release: S&T Announces Commercialization of REnigma Malware Reverse-Engineering Tool
DHS S&T today announced a groundbreaking malware analysis tool that is part of its Transition to Practice (TTP) program has transitioned as a new startup technology company.
News Release: DHS Selects GMU as new CoE
S&T will provide CINA with a $3.85 million grant for its first operating year in a 10-year grant period.
S&T Works with NYPD to Test Communication Systems
S&T evaluated the Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (MANET) system, a communications system originally developed for military use, and an Android Tactical Awareness Kit (ATAK) to determine if they could improve communications and public safety situational awareness.
Responder News: NPSTC Report Highlights LTE Broadband Advantages for First Responder Communications
The National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) has published a report to help make first responder agencies aware of broadband communications and how to incorporate them into their response.
News Release: DHS S&T Selects Cyber Apex Solutions for Cyber Research
DHS S&T awarded a five-year Other Transaction Agreement (OTA), with a maximum value of $70 million, to Arlington, Virginia-based Cyber Apex Solutions, LLC, to facilitate applied research of prototype cyber-defenses for critical national infrastructure sectors.
News Release: NRC team with USCG & DHS to Advance Icebreaking Tech
Today, the National Research Council of Canada hosted dignitaries from the USCG), DHS S&T, and U.S. Navy to discuss and showcase progress made on the testing and evaluation of design models for the U.S. heavy polar icebreaker acquisition program.
News Release: S&T Awards $200k to StackRox for Defense Against Cyber Threats
DHS S&T has awarded StackRox, Inc. of Mountain View, California, a $200,000 contract to harden the cyber defenses of financial institutions.
Keeping Communication Lines Open
This past week, I joined my team in Idaho Falls, Idaho for JamX 17. This jamming exercise, held at the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, gave us the opportunity to evaluate solutions to a threat that can leave responders in the dark in regard to communications—possibly escalating already dire situations.