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Responder News: National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (NPSTW) is April 10-16 and DHS S&T joins responder agencies and citizens across the U.S. in recognizing those whose communications skills, knowledge and quick judgment save lives.
Firefighter Accountability and Proximity System Hones in on Firefighter Safety
Smoke, burning debris and intense heat dramatically increase the chances of a firefighter becoming disoriented and getting lost inside of a structure. GPS units are unable to track their locations within these types of dangerous situations, and so when separated from their team, a precious few seconds can make a world of difference to a firefighter in danger. The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has developed a system to help overcome this issue.
DHS, NASA Partner in Search of Innovation in Homeland Security
DHS announced today a partnership with the NASA CoECI to develop new technology solutions through publicly crowdsourced prize competitions.
S&T Announces New Cybersecurity Risk Analysis Tool
S&T announced that a fifth cybersecurity technology has been licensed for commercialization as a part of the Cyber Security Division’s Transition to Practice (TTP) program.
Undersecretary Brothers Speaks at 2016 U.S. Science & Engineering Festival
On April 16, DHS S&T, Dr. Reginald Brothers will deliver a keynote message at the 2016 U.S. Science & Engineering Festival, a national grassroots effort to advance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.
Inspiring the Innovators of Tomorrow through STEM
I’m a firm believer that advancement is a term synonymous with ongoing. When it comes to the science and technology fields, you can hardly have one without the other.
Responder News: International Forum Year in Review
The launch of the “Forum” in fall 2015 signaled the start of a new era of international collaboration between government, first responders and industry.
S&T Mobile Security Performer is first to be added to GSA IT Schedule 70
Today, DHS S&T announced that their first cybersecurity R&D mobile security performer is now available to federal agencies through GSA's IT Schedule 70.
DHS S&T and the CBP announced today they will host a Homeland Security Day in Silicon Valley on April 29, bringing together technology startups, investors, CBP leaders and stakeholders to discuss unique opportunities to further promote the safety of the traveling public and CBP officers, as well as the security of the global supply chain.
DHS S&T to Launch New Center of Excellence to Study Critical Infrastructure Resilience
On April 12, DHS S&T and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will officially launch their Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI) Center of Excellence.
DHS S&T Employs New HSIN Technology
DHS S&T announced today the implementation a new technology to streamline and improve secure information sharing between DHS and its partners.
Responder News: Information Applications and Standards
As one of the newest divisions of the First Responders Group, IAS is applying open standards to advance interoperability within projects such as Internet of Things and the Next Generation First Responder Apex program in 2016.
S&T and New Zealand Reinforce Partnership
New Zealand and the United States have a history of successful, mutually-beneficial cooperation as science and innovation partners. The list of common interests is long, and it contains many security-related topics, including marine surveillance, the roles of first responders (in disasters and emergencies), and aviation security.
Responder News: 2015 YIR NUSTL
NUSTL is the nation’s testing and evaluation resource for the first responder community.
2016 Research and Development Showcase Connects Developing with Industry Partners
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Cyber Security Division (CSD) hosted the 2016 Research and Development (R&D) Showcase where members of the public, industry, academia, and cybersecurity professionals gathered to observe and discuss CSD-funded research, enabling collaboration among the researchers and government agencies and connecting the technologies to transition partners.
Cybersecurity and Resilience National Conversations End
The two 2015 dialogues we recently wrapped up, A Trusted Cyber Future and Resilient Communities, brought highly-engaged participants who shared new ideas, tools, and recommendations.
Responder News: Chicago Police Testing Public Safety Broadband
Across the country, innovative first responder organizations are leveraging new technologies to better inform their personnel, increase situational awareness, respond to emergencies and protect citizens. One such nationally recognized innovator is the Chicago Police Department (CPD).
Responder News: Datacasting Integration
During the week of February 9-12, the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and partners participated in testing of the award winning Datacasting Project in Houston, Texas.
DHS S&T Hosts Plugfest
DHS S&T hosted a three-day Plugfest event as part of the Maritime Security 2016 East Conference in Norfolk, Virginia, March 21-23, 2016.
Responder News: Countering Zika Virus
The World Health Organization has declared the Zika virus as an international public health emergency. The virus is primarily caused by bites from Aedes mosquitoes.
S&T to Host Next Generation First Responder Facebook Town Hall
On March 23, DHS S&T, will host a Facebook Town Hall with first responders nationwide to discuss the technologies necessary to better protect and connect the Next Generation First Responder.
Facebook Town Hall is one more way to connect with S&T!
Our goal in this area is clear: Provide multiple opportunities to work with you to mobilize innovation and save lives.
DHS S&T Under Secretary to Speak at 2016 SXSW
On March 15, DHS Under Secretary for S&T, Dr. Reginald Brothers, will host a panel discussion entitled “Be the Next Tony Stark,” at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. The panel will focus on how imagination inspires innovation in the real world and the government’s role in developing the art of possible ideas into reality.
Science is for Everyone
I wholeheartedly agree with the President when he said in a recent interview with Popular Science that, “when young people are excited about science, technology, engineering, and math, that’s not just good for them. That’s good for America.”