SVIP Tech Impact Video Series | Homeland Security
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SVIP Tech Impact Video Series

Introducing the SVIP Tech Impact Video Series

Catch new episodes showcasing SVIP startup technology

The Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) is keeping pace with the innovation community to tackle the hardest problems faced by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Homeland Security Enterprise. SVIP expands DHS Science and Technology Directorate's (S&T’s) reach to locate new technologies that strengthen national security and co-invest in and accelerate technology transition-to-market.

The SVIP Tech Impact Video Series highlights innovations coming out of SVIP startups, their practical applications, and the benefits of collaborating with S&T. Check out the videos below to learn more about the cutting-edge solutions coming out of SVIP startups and the DHS components they are benefiting.

Tech Impact Series

  • Image
    A photo of passengers at the airport going through the security line.
    Passenger Security Self-Screening | WATCH THE VIDEO!  The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is exploring the ability for passengers to clear security checkpoints through self-screening, similar to the self-checkout lines at grocery stores. This technology is being developed as a partnership between S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program and Screening at Speed Program.
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    Photo of a U.S. Border Patrol agent and his dog partner at the southern border.
    Protecting DHS Human and K9 Agents | WATCH THE VIDEO!  Heat stress is a leading cause of agent injury for U.S. Border Patrol field agents, human and canine. S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program is developing wearable technologies that provide early warnings of distress, allowing agents to take preventative measures before a catastrophic incident occurs and protecting themselves and their furry partners.
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    United States Coast Guard members in a boat on the water in gear.
    USCG Language Translation Without Internet | WATCH THE VIDEO! While at sea, U.S. Coast Guard boarding teams must be able to communicate with non-English speakers. S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program is developing a language translation device that operates offline in a zero-connectivity environment.

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    A cargo ship packed with boxes sailing
    Detecting Supply Chain Anomalies with Machine Learning | WATCH THE VIDEO!  The U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Trade is responsible for facilitating legitimate trade, enforcing law, and protecting the American economy. S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program is adapting commercial machine learning applications used in the agricultural industry to detect anomalies in the supply chain to ensure food safety as well as prevent the import of goods from locations where forced labor practices are used.
  • USCIS Digitizing Immigration Benefits | WATCH THE VIDEO! 
    A diverse group of adults raise their right hands at a U.S. Naturalization Ceremony.
    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is improving efficiencies in the naturalization and immigration system by providing end-to-end electronic processing. S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) is helping USCIS develop capabilities to digitally process millions of applications with confidence and clarity, resulting in faster immigration benefits. With improvements both online and on paper, USCIS and SVIP are creating critical efficiencies across the agency and improving the process for new citizens.
A man looks at two computer screens; a woman looks at a computer screen behind him.
  • Startup Profile: How DHS Guided One Startup’s Journey Commercializing Research | WATCH THE VIDEO!  In the final installment of our Tech Impact Video Series, Nathan Good, CEO of AppCensus and Good Research, discusses how S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program helped turn the privacy research he was conducting at U.C. Berkeley into a revenue-generating product.





Last Updated: 05/07/2024
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