Office of Enterprise Services | Homeland Security
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  1. Science and Technology
  2. About S&T
  3. Organization
  4. Office of Enterprise Services

Office of Enterprise Services

The Office of Enterprise Services supports the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) internal operations. It ensures S&T resources are managed effectively and efficiently, while serving as the touch point for DHS headquarters and S&T staff regarding management-related topics.

  • Administration and Support Division (ASD) provides the people, technology, property, security and processes to support the Directorate.
  • Communications and Outreach Division (COD) informs the world about S&T’s research and development activities, through web and digital content, press releases, media interviews, social media, feature articles, multimedia, exhibits, speaking engagements, and more.
    • For media-related inquiries please contact us at SandTCOD@HQ.DHS.GOV
    • If you would like to invite a member of S&T leadership or a subject matter expert to speak at an upcoming event, please contact us at SandTCOD@HQ.DHS.GOV
  • Finance and Budget oversees the Directorate’s annual budget. For more information, please visit DHS Budget.

The Office of Enterprise Services also provides many necessary administrative functions, such as the Executive Secretariat, Compliance, and liaisons for the Office of the Inspector General, the Government Accountability Office, and the Freedom of Information Act Office.



Last Updated: 11/27/2024
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