PANTHR | Homeland Security
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  1. Science and Technology
  2. Research & Development
  3. Counter Terrorist
  4. Probabilistic Analysis for National Threats Hazards and Risks (PANTHR)

Probabilistic Analysis for National Threats Hazards and Risks (PANTHR)

The PANTHR life cycle. 1- Analysis, Awareness and Engagement Integrate New Data/Refine Models and Tools, Analyze Hazards and Deliver Technical Assessments, Identify and Prioritize Data Gaps. 2 – Characterization Research: Technical Review of Study Plans and Final Reports, Evaluate Research Progress, and Determine Research Priorities. 3 - Knowledge Management: Maintain Infrastructure and Archive Knowledge Products. The Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has established the Probabilistic Analysis for National Threats Hazards and Risks (PANTHR) program to strengthen customer engagement within the homeland security enterprise by aligning chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) hazard awareness and characterization activities to provide timely, accurate, and defensible decision support tools and knowledge to stakeholders. 

PANTHR provides critical technical information on CBRN hazards to decision makers and operators to enable better informed decisions to prevent, prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from a weapon of mass destruction event. For further information please contact PANTHR at:

Last Updated: 03/07/2025
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