Biological Agent Detection Equipment | Homeland Security
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Biological Agent Detection Equipment

AEL Category: 07. Detection

AEL Title: Kit, Field Assay

AEL Number: 07BD-01-KFAS

SAVER Project: Biological Agent Detection Equipment

Biological agent detection equipment are field kits and assays that are used to discriminate biological agents from harmless biological and non-biological material present in the environment or the sample. This equipment assists responders with the initial risk assessments following potential attacks and can provide support for short-term tactical decisions.

Please contact regarding access to the following additional documents: Selection Guide, Handbook, and Market Survey Report on Biological Agent Detection Equipment.

Find this project in the FEMA Authorized Equipment List and InterAgency Board Interactive Standardized Equipment List.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Biological Agent Detection Equipment for Emergency First Responders Highlight (March 2007) PDF 241.6 KB
Selection of Biological Agent Detection Equipment for Emergency First Responders Summary (May 2005) PDF 886.86 KB
Biological Agent Detection Equipment for First Responders’ Field Use TechNote (May 2013) PDF 77.38 KB
Last Updated: 01/31/2023
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