Operational Vests | Homeland Security
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Operational Vests

AEL Category: 03. CBRNE Operational and Search and Rescue Equipment

AEL Title: Vests, Operational

AEL Number: 03OE-01-VSTO

SAVER Project: Operational Vests

Operational vests are duty gear and modular load-bearing systems. Responders use these vests to carry supplies and necessary equipment.

Please contact NUSTL@hq.dhs.gov regarding access to the following additional documents: Focus Group Report, Market Survey Report, and Assessment Report on Operational Vests.

Find this project in the FEMA Authorized Equipment List and InterAgency Board Interactive Standardized Equipment List.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Operational Vests Highlight (January 2008) PDF 258.79 KB
Operational Vests Summary (November 2008) PDF 773.76 KB
Last Updated: 01/31/2023
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