Personal Flotation Devices LE | Homeland Security
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Personal Flotation Devices for Law Enforcement

AEL Category: 01. Personal Protective Equipment

AEL Title: Device, Personal Flotation

AEL Number: 01WA-06-PFDS

SAVER Project: Personal Flotation Devices for Law Enforcement

Personal flotation devices (PFDs) may be designed as wearable or throwable devices, including multi-purpose vests, inflatable collars, inflatable pouches, and flotation clothing. Law enforcement personnel carrying the additional weight of mission essential equipment may require a PFD with substantially more buoyancy than that required for the average adult.

Find this project in the FEMA Authorized Equipment List and InterAgency Board Interactive Standardized Equipment List.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Personal Flotation Devices for Law Enforcement Use Highlight (March 2013) PDF 606.24 KB
Personal Flotation Devices for Law Enforcement Use TechNote (December 2012) PDF 114.56 KB
Last Updated: 01/31/2023
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