Personnel Identification Systems | Homeland Security
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Personnel Identification Systems

AEL Category: 14. Physical Security Enhancement Equipment

AEL Title: Systems, Personnel Identification

AEL Number: 14SW-01-SIDP

SAVER Project: Personnel Identification Systems

Personnel identification systems are designed and installed for the primary purpose of ensuring that only authorized persons are allowed access to secure areas of a facility. The main components of this system are an access control mechanism, an access control reader, a control panel, a database server, and lock hardware.

Please contact regarding access to the following additional document: Personnel Identification Systems Application Note.

Find this project in the FEMA Authorized Equipment List and InterAgency Board Interactive Standardized Equipment List.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Personnel Identification Systems Highlight (May 2012) PDF 258.82 KB
Last Updated: 01/31/2023
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