S&T Plan to Support Increased Public Access to the Results of Research Funded by the Federal Government | Homeland Security
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Plan to Support Increased Public Access to the Results of Research Funded by the Federal Government


DHS recognizes that increased access to research data and information can encourage research collaboration and help successfully address the nation’s constantly evolving homeland security challenges. Increased access to releasable results of DHS research promotes development of a Homeland Security-related industrial base, increases the credibility of associated program managers, subject matter experts, researchers, contracted developers, sponsors and stakeholders in the scientific community.

Public access as described in this plan allows DHS not only to make available the results of government funded research to the general public but also to enable the operational components and directorates of the department to better share information.  Public access enhances new and innovative business processes put in place by the Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate under the umbrella of the Targeted Innovative Technology Acceleration Network (TITAN). TITAN removes barriers that impede industry and research partners from working with the department by leveraging information and other existing resources.  Public access to research results and associated data is a necessary and natural piece to those extramural engagements.    

This plan outlines DHS’s approach for increasing access to the scholarly publications and digital data resulting from its funded research.  It will be implemented in close cooperation with other federal and non-federal entities to provide the best solution for DHS and to ensure appropriate consistencies across the federal government. 

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Last Updated: 06/08/2022
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