Portable Infrared Spectroscopy Chemical Detectors | Homeland Security
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Portable Infrared Spectroscopy Chemical Detectors

AEL Category: 07. Detection

AEL Title: Fourier Transform Infrared, Point, Chemical Agent

AEL Number: 07CD-01-FTIR

SAVER Project: Portable Infrared Spectroscopy Chemical Detectors

Portable Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy chemical detectors are widely used by responders to identify unknown or suspect materials. Applications include chemical spills, suspicious package screening, clandestine labs, illegal dumping sites, arson investigations, and identification of unlabeled containers or drums. These devices may be used in combination with other technologies to improve confidence in detection and/or identification.

Find this project in the FEMA Authorized Equipment List and InterAgency Board Interactive Standardized Equipment List.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Portable Infrared Spectroscopy Chemical Detectors Highlight (August 2016) PDF 510.21 KB
Portable Infrared Spectroscopy Chemical Detectors Assessment Report (June 2016) PDF 1.01 MB
Portable Infrared Spectroscopy Chemical Detectors for Identification of Unknown Liquids and Solids TechNote (December 2016) PDF 249.71 KB
Last Updated: 01/31/2023
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