SAVER Wildland Firefighter PPE | Homeland Security
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Wildland Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment

AEL Category: 01. Personal Protective Equipment

AEL Title: Specialized Clothing, NFPA 1975 or NFPA 2112

AEL Number: 01LE-02-BDUS

SAVER Project: Wildland Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Wildland firefighter personal protective equipment (PPE) provides protection against external thermal threats to prevent burn injuries, while transferring internally generated heat to minimize heat stress injuries. Balancing the level of protection against these two threats is critical for responders during wildland fire operations.

Find this project in the FEMA Authorized Equipment List and InterAgency Board Interactive Standardized Equipment List.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Wildland Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Selection Guide (June 2014) PDF 735.36 KB
Last Updated: 01/31/2023
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