S&T International effort helps bolster Polar Icebreaker fleet Fact Sheet | Homeland Security
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Fact Sheet - International effort helps bolster Polar Icebreaker fleet: Office of Test and Evaluation facilitates Polar Icebreaker partnership between Coast Guard and Canada


America’s Polar Icebreakers are aging, as polar ice is changing.

The Coast Guard requires at least three new heavy icebreakers to ensure continued access to both Polar Regions and support the nation’s economic, commercial, maritime and national security needs. The United States Coast Guard heavy polar icebreaking fleet includes two 399-foot heavy icebreakers, the Coast Guard Cutters (USCGC) Polar Star and Polar Sea -- commissioned in 1976 and 1977.

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International effort helps bolster Polar Icebreaker fleet: Office of Test & Evaluation facilitates Polar Icebreaker Partnership PDF 113.02 KB
Last Updated: 01/12/2023
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