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Radiological/Nuclear Response and Recovery Research & Development


The National Urban Security Technology Laboratory (NUSTL) is a federal laboratory organized within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate. NUSTL manages a portfolio of Radiological/Nuclear Response and Recovery (RNRR) Research & Development (R&D) projects that work to improve radiological response and recovery capabilities at the local, state, tribal, territorial and federal level, and advance the understanding of impacts and risks within first responder agencies nationwide. The RNRR R&D Program will increase preparedness and enhance responder capabilities in advance of an incident, as well as minimize the impact of a radiological or nuclear detonation.

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Radiological/Nuclear Response and Recovery Overview Fact Sheet PDF 317.44 KB 07/20/2023
Last Updated: 11/14/2023
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