Tire Deflation Devices | Homeland Security
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Tire Deflation Devices

AEL Category: 14. Physical Security Enhancement Equipment

AEL Title: Barriers: Fences; Jersey Walls

AEL Number: 14SW-01-WALL

SAVER Project: Tire Deflation Devices

Tire deflation devices use a variety of mechanical methods to defeat the integrity of a fleeing vehicle's tires in order to release the tire pressure in a predictable, controlled manner. These devices are used by law enforcement personnel to end or prevent high-speed pursuits.

Please contact NUSTL@hq.dhs.gov regarding access to the following additional documents: Focus Group Report and Market Survey Report on Tire Deflation Devices.

Find this project in the FEMA Authorized Equipment List and InterAgency Board Interactive Standardized Equipment List.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Tire Deflation Devices Highlight (February 2007) PDF 346.63 KB
Portable Tire Deflation Devices Summary (February 2007) PDF 295.64 KB
Last Updated: 01/31/2023
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